Alumisource Sheet B – Grade B (Dealer Sheet):

Loads identified as having greater than trace amounts of non-conforming items will be graded to Grade B Dealer Sheet. Alloys may include 1xxx, 3xxx, 5xxx and 6xxx only. Non-confirming items include cast, radiators, UBC, foil, wire in excess of 6’ in length. Deductions will be taken for dirt, floor sweepings, fiber, wood, plastic, fines, free iron, screens or ACSR. Deductions or price adjustments will be taken for non-conforming items. Loads are subject to inspection and grading. May contain clip up to 5/8” x 4’ in length x 6’ in width. Cylinders and solids are subject to rejection. Material must be shreddable.

Siding (Tale):

Material to adhere to ISRI specification for Tale shown below. Deductions or price adjustments will be taken for non-conforming items.
ISRI specification for Tale: Shall consist of clean, low copper aluminum siding, scrap, painted one or two sides, free of plastic coating, iron, dirt, corrosion, fiber, foam, or fiberglass backing or other non-metallic items.

Extrusion 10/10 (Toto):

Material to adhere to ISRI specification for Toto shown below. Deductions or price adjustments will be taken for non-conforming items.
ISRI specification for Toto: Material to consist of new production and old/used 6063 extrusions that may contain up to (but not exceed) 10 percent painted extrusions and 10 percent 6061 alloy extrusions. Must not contain other alloys of aluminum. Material should be free of zinc corners, iron attachments, felt, plastic, paper, cardboard, thermal break, and dirt and other contaminants.

Clip (Taboo):

Material to adhere to ISRI specification for Taboo shown below. Clip can be up to 5/8” thick x 4’ x 6’. Deductions or price adjustments will be taken for non-conforming items. Cylinders and solids are subject to rejection. Material must be shreddable.
ISRI specification for Taboo Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpainted low copper aluminum scrap of two or more alloys with a minimum thickness of 0.015 inches (.38mm) and to be free of 2000 and 7000 series, hair wire, wire screen, punchings less 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) diameter, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Grease and oil not to total more than 1%. Variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller.